Day 15 – Learning Android Development

Today I continued working on Star-Assault. I learned how to export the PC version into an executable JAR, and the android version into an .apk file. Also about the private key, which I didn’t know about until today. The key lets you digitally sign each app you make, and you must sign an app otherwise it wont work. It’s a way to identify the app to you as the developer.

I continued with the game engine, more specifically, collision detection with the walls and gravity. First I was using square coordinates to locate the player, but that didn’t prove to be good because there were holes in the detection loop which would then cause Bob to move through walls. So I used point coordinates to locate the player, I don’t know why I didn’t do this first but anyways, now bob doesn’t go through walls.

Gravity works with a detection loop as well, if there’s no ground beneath bob then he will start falling at a constant speed. I also added jumping, and right now you can jump as long as you want to, so it’s basically flying instead. Once you stop pressing the jump button then gravity kicks in.

Here’s the latest version’s executable JAR for the PC version.




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