League of Legends Best Match

A league of legends fan application I created. It searches the last 10 ranked matches played by the player searched and orders them by best match to worst.

The application is made with:

  • MongoDB to save searched matches temporarily,
  • Nodejs with Express in the back end,
  • Riot Games RESTful API to search data about the matches,
  • React + Redux + React router for the front end logic,
  • Sass for styling.

I set up an EC2 t2 micro instance from Amazon Web Services and launched the app around December 2015.

It received huge traffic in new years eve due to a reddit post I made in the /r/leagueoflegends subreddit.

The site received around 76k pageviews from 42k users, all in 12 hours
The site received around 76k pageviews from 42k users, all in 12 hours

It was crazy to see all the people going to my site. Every 10 min I would check google analytics to see how many users were viewing at the moment, 100, 200, 300 concurrent users, the numbers kept going up. I was happy to see how well the t2.micro instance performed. I kept the server light: It’s basically a proxy between the riot servers and the client. Later on I added some code to consume the API better, and only send what’s necessary to the front end.